How To Add Volunteer Experience To LinkedIn?

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  7. How To Add Volunteer Experience To LinkedIn?
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Volunteer experience gives people a sense of self-esteem and satisfaction. It also has a positive impact on one’s career trajectory. Research found that 85% of recruiters think volunteer experience is as good as paid work. If you’ve done volunteering, you may have already added it to your resume. But do you know how to add volunteer experience to LinkedIn?

Volunteer experience helps add personality to a LinkedIn profile. It’s also a great way to showcase your soft skills to potential employers.

While it’ll help you learn new skills and gain valuable experience, it will also help show your commitment to social responsibility and community involvement.

Let’s find out how to add volunteer experience to LinkedIn.

How to add volunteer experience to LinkedIn: Step-by-step process

Here’s the step-by-step process on how to add volunteer experience to LinkedIn:

1. Go to your LinkedIn profile.

2. Select “Add profile section” in your bio, and a pop-up box will appear.

3. Select “Additional” in the pop-up box. Now, click on “Add volunteer experience.”

4. A Volunteer Experience section form will appear. Fill out the form, add relevant details, and click “Save.”

How to rearrange your LinkedIn volunteer section

If you want to change the order of your LinkedIn volunteer section, then below are the steps to follow:

1. Go to your LinkedIn profile and scroll to the volunteer section.

2. Go to the volunteer experience you wish to reposition and drag the “Reorder” icon in your desired order.

How to delete volunteer experience from LinkedIn

To remove volunteer experience from LinkedIn, here’s what you need to do:

1. Go to your LinkedIn profile and scroll to the volunteer section.

2. Select the edit icon, and a pop-up box will appear.

3. Select “Delete volunteer experience.”

Tips for adding volunteer experience

Remember the following pointers when adding volunteer experience to your profile.

  • Highlight the skills you gained: When describing your volunteer work, emphasize the skills you learned and the experience you gained. For example, if you helped plan a fundraising event, highlight skills such as event planning, project management, and communication.
  • Quantify your impact: Share the impact you made during your volunteer work in the form of numbers. For example, if you helped distribute books to 100 children, mention this in your description. 
  • Talk about your passion: Volunteer work is often driven by a passion for a particular cause or issue. When describing your volunteer experience, highlight the cause or issue that inspired you to get involved. 
  • Include relevant organizations: If you’re applying for a job in a specific industry, consider volunteering for organizations that are relevant to that industry. For example, if you’re interested in working in the tech sector, consider volunteering for a non-profit organization that provides technology education to underprivileged communities.
  • Keep the description concise: While it’s important to provide enough detail to showcase your skills and experience, it’s also important to keep your descriptions concise and to the point. Recruiters and potential employers may review hundreds of profiles, so ensure your volunteer experience section is easy to read and digest.

How to gain volunteer opportunities through LinkedIn outreach

To find volunteering experience, people usually visit the websites of non-profit organizations and NGOs. However, this process is lengthy and time-consuming.

There is an alternative way to find volunteering opportunities. You can use a prospecting tool to run outreach campaigns on LinkedIn and find relevant opportunities.

expandi is a free LinkedIn prospecting tool that you can use. Here are the steps you need to follow:

1. Go to the Chrome Web Store and add the expandi Chrome extension.

2. On adding the Chrome extension, you’ll be logged into the expandi dashboard. You don’t need to register or fill in your contact details.

3. Once you are logged into the expandi dashboard, go to the Leads section. 

Add volunteer experience to LinkedIn.

This feature will help you scrape leads from LinkedIn through different channels, such as LinkedIn search, Sales Navigator search, LinkedIn group, company profile, event, and posts.

4. Now, go to the Campaigns section. Create a campaign and fill in the relevant details. With the help of this feature, you’ll be able to run automated outreach and follow-up campaigns. In addition, you’ll be able to find relevant volunteering opportunities without spending too much time.

If you’d like to learn more about how expandi can help you, book a 30-minute demo with our team. 

LinkedIn volunteer experience examples

So far, we’ve covered how to add volunteer experience to LinkedIn. Now, let’s look at some LinkedIn volunteer experience examples.

1. Shreya Pattar

Shreya Pattar

In addition to a fully-optimized profile, Shreya Pattar also has a well-written volunteer experience section. It demonstrates her vast volunteering experience, which shows her commitment to making a positive impact on different areas.

Shreya has provided clear information about her volunteer work, including the organizations she has worked with, the time frame, and the type of volunteering activities she was involved in. 

This makes it easier for potential employers or collaborators to understand her experience and expertise.

2. Kathy Longo

Kathy Longo

Kathy Longo is the Founder of Flourish Wealth Management. Her LinkedIn volunteering section demonstrates her diverse experience, skills, and the impact she has made in different areas.

In addition to being a volunteer, Kathy has also held leadership roles in some of the organizations she has volunteered with. This indicates her ability to take on responsibility and lead teams effectively.

3. Ali Abdaal

Ali Abdal

Ali Abdaal is a Youtuber, podcaster, and online educator. His volunteering experiences are primarily focused on education-related causes, such as tutoring, mentoring, and teaching. 

This demonstrates his passion for education and his commitment to using his skills to make a positive impact in this area.

In addition to volunteering, Ali founded an education technology company and created an online course on productivity. This demonstrates his leadership skills and his ability to take the initiative and develop solutions to significant problems.

Key Takeaways

In conclusion, volunteer experience can play a vital role in showcasing your skills and values on LinkedIn. By highlighting your volunteer work, you can demonstrate your commitment to making a positive impact in society and showcase your versatility as a candidate. 

In this blog post, we looked at how to add volunteer experience to LinkedIn. We also looked at some LinkedIn volunteer experience examples.

Remember that to ensure you make the most of your volunteering experience on LinkedIn, be sure to provide clear and concise descriptions of your activities and the organizations you worked with. Also, highlight any leadership or long-term volunteering roles you held. Finally, don’t forget to ask for recommendations from your volunteering supervisors to strengthen your profile further. 

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